Monday, March 5, 2012

Shut Up, Skinny Bitches

" I want to be STRONG, not skinny."

Words can not even begin to express how proud I am of my friend Rachel tonight.  She is one of the strongest people I have ever had the privilege of knowing.  Rachel struggled just like I did, for years and has worked extremely hard on her recovery.  She has been a confidant and support system for me since the first day we realized how much we had in common.  Even though we both had our low points, I think we used each other to help ourselves.  No matter how bad I felt, I could always tell her to be strong... and vice versa.  We never wanted each other to feel the way we felt about ourselves, and I know that she was a huge part of my recovery... and continues to be a powerful source of encouragement for me.  Well, today, Rachel was a guest blogger for the blog, "Shut Up, Skinny Bitches."  If I wasn't proud enough of her all ready, today just totally capped it off.  She is the epitome of Strength, and I smile thinking about just how wonderful of a person she is.  "Strength and Confidence radiate beauty." 

YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL, Rachel, Inside and out!

Please check out Rachel's guest blog!

Love True,

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