Thursday, August 28, 2014

Chasing Dreams

I AM THAT GIRL is full of amazing wisdom from incredible
women of different generations!
I've had some pretty big dreams in my life. Go to the Olympics and become a famous actress are two from my childhood.  Those dreams, as lofty as they were, are still hard to let go of, even as I am nearly 28 years old. You see, no gymnast ever settles for the idea that she will never learn another skill. Until, perhaps, they are 28 years old and foam pits are the only landing surface that seem remotely safe. And I can honestly say, the feeling I get while watching an amazing piece of film or one of my favorite actresses in an inspiring scene, keeps the acting flame burning deep in my soul.

And there have been many other dreams along the way.
Life is a long journey, and if our dreams weren't currently being updated up in those big beautiful heads of ours… I'd still be day dreaming about Rio 2016…

I know what you're all thinking. HA!

One of my biggest dreams that I've been developing over the past few years might seem so simple, and yet, I can't put a specific goal or deadline on it. You see, I want to make a difference.

My day to day inspiration and motivation to continue
inspiring others… my GymHawks!
Again, let me state that I have no idea what all this dream entails. I don't know where pursuing this desire will take me, and I don't know if it will ever be something I can fully achieve.  I can tell you, however, I am taking small steps toward accomplishing that goal and whatever it means for me and those around me.

If you've been following my blog over the past six months, you know I've fallen in love with a non-profit organization called, I AM THAT GIRL. It is a group who's mission is to inspire girls of all ages to be themselves, to embrace their inner beauty and to follow all of their ambitions in life. Being THAT GIRL means something different to each person, and figuring out what makes you THAT GIRL is what this group is all about! They have an amazing website on which contributors are constantly posting uplifting and inspiring articles about almost everything. The topics that are discussed are generational and completely relevant to all women. I LOVE THIS GROUP!

Anyone looking for a motivational read, whether you're 12
or 82, I highly recommend this book! (I wish I'd have read
it at age 12!)
Well, folks, I will soon be contributing to I AM THAT GIRL on a regular basis. That's right, yours truly will be submitting articles as a guest blogger once a month! I am so elated to be a part of this incredible organization and to contribute to this truly inspiring mission! As women, we need to stick together and work hard to inspire one another and encourage positivity and collaboration.

So, I won't exactly be saving the world, but in my own small way, I'm contributing to a greater cause. And that, my friends, is a dream come true for me.

What is something you dream of doing? Take one step, even if it is just a tip toe, in the direction of your dreams. You won't regret it!

Love True,

Please check out I AM THAT GIRL on their website, or on Facebook!!

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